Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day Tripping, First of Many to Come (Hopefully)

                                    A crystal art glass sculpture found in Jerome AZ at Nellie Bly's

Today, instead of heading up to the Grand Canyon, we decided to head north and east out of Prescott utilizing State Highway 89A to visit Jerome, Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon.  The great Grand Canyon will need to wait a bit longer for a visit from us!
This picture was taken as we left Jerome, a famous old mining town built, literally, on the side of a mountain.  The street are narrow, winding, and flat space is at a premium, mostly reserved for the roads and not much else.  It is a great little tourist destination, worth your while seeing and staying a bit.  Let me share with you some of the highlights through picture and words.

Mid-way through his 89 year, my dad Floyd enjoyed his day; standing in front of one of the many historic buildings now shops.  Nellie Bly has the notority of claiming to have the world largest collection of  kaleidoscopes, and I believe it!  What a treat and a feast of visual experience.  I have, up to this point, never had a shopkeeper encouraged me to take pictures of their wares, so here are a few shots I wish to share!  I just aimed my camera right into the view finder.  It is a shame that Kodak no longer makes cameras.

I have yet to go onto their website but I will share it with you, perhaps for more.

24 years ago there were many nay-sayers in town when this shop was opened, declaring "who are going to buy kaleidoscopes"?  Well, the shop is still there and I doubt our $8.00 purchase helped much for most of their models sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars.  One of the kind employees, pictured here, encouraged us to play and enjoy ourselves, and we did.
We headed down the hill, gearing down to second gear all the way.  Our next destination was Sedona.  Sedona is a beautiful small town, reminiscent of Moab, Utah, but a nicer looking town.  Let me share with you a few pictures of the beautiful surrounding that make Sedona such a charm.
Just East of Sedona
Entering town from the South
We ate lunch at a small cafe close to Oak Creek, a great Italian meal with a nice view from every table.
After lunch we visit a very popular destination site outside of Sedona known at the Chapel of the Holy Cross.  What a beautiful setting it was, a place for not only "awes" but for prayer and meditation.  (Right click on this next picture and open to it's own window to expand.)
Since we were touring for just one day, we left the town behind for future exploration and headed up hill to the North up the famed Oak Creek Canyon, again on Hwy 89A.  Our journey up the road reminded us of our beloved Colorado with towering hills and shaded flowing water.
I will share those pictures with you next time.  I hope you were able to experience this day trip even for  a moment.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Not Traveling But Still Enjoying the Sights!

We have been treated to beautiful sights here in Prescott and the surrounding areas.  This white tail deer was feeding in a neighborhood just east of town along with a younger buck.  It seemed as curious about us as we were of him.

Picture was taken by an unknown fellow hiker, just yesterday, at Goldwater Lake, just 4 miles from town, one of several lakes within an easy driving distance from Prescott.   Here are some photos of our time together, dad and I, enjoying a late summer day.   This was our first trip to the Lake, but not our last!
Dad enjoyed the day, perhaps even more than I as he sat listening to the call of a couple of hawk, the honk of the white goose, the quack of the ducks and the distant chatter of kids fishing and playing by the side of the lake.
A view on the Senator Highway just three miles from town; the mountain in the background is called Granite and for good reason.   Its elevation is 7626 feet, a mix of pine and rock, just north and west of Prescott.
Earlier in the day, we stopped by the rodeo grounds to watch the 4th annual Arizona Draft Horse and Mule Association competition.   Can't beat the price; it was free!
Yes, the above horse is a Percheron.  What a beautiful animal!

Since it has been a few weeks since I have posted here, I thought I would catch you up on a couple of family pictures for good measure...
In good humor they all posed as they were leaving for a super-hero party hosted by family friends.  Here is a picture I took just this P.M. as I composed this blog.  August will turn two years old early October.  What a little cutie pie.  He already speaks in full sentences and it a sweet little boy - most of the time.
We are planning a day trip to the Grand Canyon in the next week or so.  The high tourist season is over and it should be a beautiful sight.   I hope all is well with each of you, family and friends alike.