Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Signature Day - 90 Miles Into Denali

The day started out a bit "iffy" with sprinkles and overcast skies, but we have purchased our tickets by reservation and this was the day we chose to take the shuttle bus as far in as it drives, about 90 miles into the park.   I had prayed, even just for the sake of my dad, Floyd, that we would be able to see the great Mt. McKinley, or as it is becoming more known as Denali Mountain.  Our ride was scheduled for 12 hours, six in and six out with several stops along the way, both ways.  We had about 40 folk and a "retired" (for 11 years) driver.  Although he disclaimed right off that his narration was limited and that he was not a tour guide but a bus driver, he pleased us all with interesting and informative narration - just the right amount.   Although I was initially focused on seeing the BIG mountain, what we also saw was of equal interest, the wild life; daul sheep, moose, grizzly bears, red-tail fox, snowshoe hares and other critters.

My least favorite part of the day (both directions) were some areas where we were on the side of mountains on single lane dirt roads with no guardrails and occasional traffic coming from the other direction.  I was compelled on a few occasions to close my eyes and ask God for traveling mercies and safety.  I even quote Psalm 121 about where my help comes from, "the maker of heaven and earth."   Even on the side of a hill hundreds of feet above the valley floor, I can trust him for my safety and security.

We all had a good time, despite the few miles of hairpin turns high in the mountains.  There were a lot of photo-opps and sightings.   As the day turned to afternoon and early evening, the clouds kept lifting or becoming fewer so much so that we were able to see the high peaks that I pray for earlier in the day.   Denali is 20,300 feet above see level with an 18,000 foot rise from its base.  What I will do is post some pictures and let you know of these when we get back to some electrical plugins and I have time to edit down the size of the pictures.   My camera is over 14 megapixels and I know many internet sites don't allow more than one or two megs as attachments.   We pull up stakes tomorrow, presently at Healy AK, and move down the road closer to Anchorage.

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