Saturday, October 29, 2011

Heading In or Heading Out?

The Denver area is our home base,specifically Lakewood. It is not unusual for folk to consider the center of their world to be where they call home, where they have lived and loved and made their living. There are the familiar sights, stores, neighborhoods, churches, friends, and not least of all family. Living in this metro area we have two special daughters, a grand-daughter, and a son-in-law who are cherished in every way. Our travels, as recorded in the last blog, heads us "in" toward our beloved Colorado, and yet, this upcoming Tuesday we are heading "out" for another significant leg of our grand adventure to visit more interesting places and to spend time with other relatives, immediate and extended. More on that later for I have some catching up to do in this travelog, aptly named Travels with Louise and Floyd.

Having jumped around a little bit in previous blogs, let's start just south of Jade, B.C. heading south on the "Miami Freeway." You will recall that every mile post is actually in kilometers while in Canada. When you travel this expanses there is a need for patience since the spots of civilization are far and few between. There are no in-between gas stops or food stops.

Just south of Jade is Hope Lake with its interesting water coloration.

Remember the young lady in Jade I mentioned. She grew up in Kitwanga, a place up to this point in my life, I never knew existed. This community, located at the juncture of our trek back to the west coast and Prince Rupert, is a slow-paced, beautiful community of a few hundred folk. Nestled in a fertile valley, I particularly liked a bit of large folk art painted on the side of someone's loafing shed on the edge of this little town. I thought I would share this with you, and we can imagine together who painted it and when. For me, it added to the beauty of the unnamed person's property.

My next entry will be about Prince Rupert, the fiord, the cannery, the totems, the arts community and the VW bug's afterlife. PR is a delightful town, anunsung gem among many we have seen, an historic town on the edge of Pacific coast Canada, a community of folk who's future is uncertain economically. Enjoy with me the scenery on the way to Prince Rupert...

Suffering along the road, the night before we drive into Prince Rupert.

See you next time!

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