Tuesday, April 3, 2012

South Padre Island

"What a life!" This declaration is usually spoken by dad at the end of another good day. Today was another one of those days. He celebrated his 88th birthday today, doing what he most enjoys, shell collecting. And we hit the treasure trove today, of all days. What a blessed life he lives. The picture above was taken at the end of the road that runs north for about 14 miles on South Padre Island. Not far from civilization, yet feeling remote, but safe. We all enjoyed the experience shelling.

Here, dad is standing in the midst of one of hundred of shell quarries, waiting for a discrimination eye.

Focused on shells once more...
South Padre Island had less seaweed than north Padre, but it had a special guest, a bird very much adapted to the seaweed life. See if you can pick it out in this first picture.

No, the truck was not buried in sand!
Instead of the road crew clearing snow, it moves sand of the road; a daily chore, no doubt needed.

Dad continues to enjoy the travels and is easily bored if we stay too long in any one area. He defies the stereotype of burdened on older folks, the wanting sameness and routine and familiar. That is not him. Sure, he does not mind the regular routine of breakfast, lunch and dinner, and yes, that comfortable bed at night, but other than that, he likes the road life. Although his memory is spotty, I have noticed a stronger stick to the brain cells when he knows we are going to hit the road. Desire has a way of doing that for him. Today, marks the change of direction in our travels, our last day on the beach -any beach - for the foreseeable future. We will miss the sand, the surf, shells and driftwood, and the wildlife. Like saying goodbye to a friend, our parting will be tempered only by looking forward to seeing friends in Dallas soon and spending some time in May with our family and friends in Colorado. Before I say goodnight, here are a few pictures of Corpus Christi area.
North Padre Island birds, feasting on who knows what!
In Unison
On Goosebay Island, a bit north of Corpus, stands an oak which is believed to be 1000 years old!
This is one big tree with a spread of 89 feet.
Look what we found on the beach, complete with a smile.
Downtown Corpus Christi looking across the bay
What is it about boat harbors that are so eye-appealing? This too, is close to the downtown area.
The Old and The New, representing the stages of our own lives and journey. We now head North!

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