Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Looking for a Catchy Title

I had promised pictures of the Ames Street garage painting project and St. John's Cathedral, both topics likely more interesting to me than anyone else reading this blog.  So, please bear with me for a few minutes.

With the help of friend/renter, Kenny, the garage and other projects around the house took me well over three weeks.  The physical labor felt good, all except in the aching forearms due to an earlier strain while touring in New Mexico.  But aside from my temporary aches and pains the whole of the labor experience was enjoyable with much of the time spent by myself doing what I like doing -fixing things up and thinking.

Here are the before and after shots of the painting project.  I still like viewing the picture and the accompanying sense of accomplishment.

Here is a picture of the finished project with the new siding, roof and gutters and the freshly painted garage.  The house probably has not been in this fine a shape in 30 years or more!

All was not work.  One special evening we spent at an organ recital at St. John Cathedral in downtown Denver.  I enjoyed the beauty of its buildings and imagined what it might be like to visit some of the world's largest and most ornated cathedrals.   The music was great too. 

When I was a student in seminary I was taught that church architectural design should aide worship and assist people toward a God-centered experience.  Most churches I am acquainted with (at home and in our travels) are designed to center on a worship experience together.  Who is it for me to judge with design is most effective and benefitting?  It is clear to me that St. John's design and structure inspires reverence and sets the stage for an other-world experience.
I would like to include in a future blog thoughts, feeling and pictures of our home church, The Light of Christ Anglican.  We love its people and have enjoyed its fellowhip and friendship for the past several years.  We retain our membership there, considering it to be our home church.

Thanks for joining me on this next journey of our lives, Kevin, Louise and Floyd.  For the next several months or longer we are basing our lives in Prescott, Arizona keeping our permanent residence in Colorado.  In the comming months I plan to spend no small amount of time attempting to write professionally, utilizing our travel trailer as my writer's lair.  I will periodically share my thoughts and my photos with you all.   Thanks for your continued interest and encouraging words.  Recently, one of my readers commented to me that they have enjoyed not only the pictures but also the description of what I experienced on our travels -- so much, that for them, they felt they were there with me.  If I elicite this kind of experience for the majority of my readers I will consider myself successful in my writing endeavors.  So, the travels with Louise and Floyd continues!

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