Sunday, February 19, 2012

Heading North Ever So Slowly

I hear old man winter is alive and well even dipping his hand into some of the South. This "winter" experience is a bit confusing since I have to remind myself that it is February, mid-winter, as we ran the air conditioner all today until sunset.
I understand why the easterners flock to Florida, although 90-100 percent humidity is not something Coloradans do well with. Our bath towels won't even dry! Enough musing and complaining about nothing. I almost forgot, here are the promises Everglades American Alligators!

Two more for the road, one of an alligator hand and the other of a notable 3 foot pass along the road.

We traveled across the upper part of the Everglades on Highway 41, stopped an evening in the Big Cypress National Preserve campground, then stayed two nights at a State Campground just east of Naples. This is high season for camping in southern Florida so we decided to stay at a private campground north of Naples for a week. I miss the more rural setting, but I am glad we have a place to call home for a while without having to move the trailer so often. Tomorrow, we need to find an truck mechanic, hopefully an honest one that will give fair value for the needed work. Our back wheel brakes is wanting to lock up, not a good thing when towing, or for that matter, when not towing! So, we will start out our new week with repairs and perhaps start to replace tires which have worn over this past year of travel. Getting beyond the ordinary, let me share with you some pictures I took over the past few days, and of course, sunset pictures from last evening taken from the beach.

It appears the fisherman may have been more interested in the sunset, at least for a time!
I love it when a flock of birds cooperates with my photographic efforts.
Thanks for coming on the journey with us and I will catch you next time!

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