Saturday, January 7, 2012

Remembering Christmas 2011

Ho, Ho, Ho

New Bern is within an easy drive distance to our next destination, Sneads Ferry with daughter, Sarah, son-in-law, Simon and two little grand-boys, Tristan and Xander. Sneads Ferry lies a little away from Jacksonville, North Carolina, home of Camp LeJeune, a large Marine Corp Base where Simon is stationed. We had looked forward to the visit for months and we were glad it was all working out to spend Christmas 2011 with the young family. The last time I saw the young boys, the youngest was just a week old so I had a lot of pent of grandpa need! Louise felt the same. We were looking forward to some good visiting and a lot of fun, and we had enjoyed both. We went to the beach, the park, a special working farm and, of course, the play ground. Sarah fixed a special Christmas Day dinner which left all very satisfied. Some Christmas gifts caught up to us as well, an extra treat.

Opening Gifts

Xander was very happy for his brother's Christmas gift, a tricycle!

Brother, Tristan, was enamored with his train board set, here playing with his daddy

And a couple more pictures of grand kids, just because...

Leading up to Christmas, we all went out to Mike' Farm, a working farm that also happens to be an attraction including dinner, farm animals, and a Christmas hay ride. It reminded Louise and I of Knotts Berry Farm in South California in its early days prior to it growth into an amusement park. The farm is just outside of Jacksonville.

We enjoyed spending the week with Simon and Sarah and the kids. We miss them already. Here, Tristan taking a stroll on the beach with grandma Louise...
Thank you Simon and Sarah for your open invite to spend Christmas with you. We look forward to our next visit and we love you all! I suspect Tristan's towers will even be greater! Soon he will need two sets of Jinga Blocks.

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